What Can My Students and I Expect from an EB Academics Reading Benchmark?
PLEASE NOTE that benchmarks are not pre-viewable or downloadable to protect the integrity of your testing data. We want your results to be as authentic and true to your students' performance on these assessments. To see similar texts and test questions, take a look at the Skills-Based Passages in your Resource section of the Portal.
Students can expect to read a total of 3 texts from the following genres:
- Informational
- Fiction
- Poetry
Students will answer a total of 22 multiple-choice questions between all three texts covering standards in Reading for Literature, Reading for Informational Text, and Vocabulary in Context.
Each text will remain next to one selected question at a time. Students can navigate through questions in any order and can return to any question as needed. If a question refers to two texts, both texts will appear next to the question.

Upon clicking the “Submit” button, students will receive a warning that their answers can no longer be changed once they are submitted.

Benchmark Assessment Results can be accessed by navigating through the following of your Portal:
Classes > [Select Class] > Benchmark Assessments > [Beginning/Middle/End] of the Year Benchmark
Benchmark Assessment Results are available in the following forms:
- Class Summary
- Individual Reports
The Class Summary will graph your all of your students’ data by their overall results as well as by individual skills into the following categories:
- Proficient = 80 - 100%
- Developing = 60 - 79%
- Beginning = 0 - 59%

Individual Reports will chart each student’s percentage correct into the same categories as above as well as their chart their individual results for each skill.