How do I know how long a particular unit, lesson, or resource will take?
All instructional resources include an estimated time on their resource page. This estimated time can be found directly underneath the resource photo on the righthand side.
Additionally, reading units contain lesson plans with approximate times for the included Into, Through, and Beyond lessons:
Step 1: Open the reading unit from the Resources page
Step 2: Scroll down to the “Files” section and click the “0 Lessons Plans” folder. Open or download the grade level lesson plan .pdf file (with or without Instructional Support).
Step 3: Locate the approximate length of lesson in the top right corner of each lesson plan (note: Into, Through, and Beyond lessons each have their own approximate time)
As always, you know your students best! Use your own discretion when planning for your classroom. Please use the estimated times as suggestions and adapt times as needed!